Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day is an environmental movement to protect Earth’s natural resources such as air, water, and soil. The first Earth Day is said to have been conceived in the 1960s by Senator Gaylord Nelson with the first official Earth Day in the books on April 22, 1970. Earth Day was originally intended to be an opportunity for awareness and advocacy as it was created prior to any regulatory mechanisms being put in place such as The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and others.  Today, the day continues to be a time when earth consciousness is celebrated via various cleanup and educational activities.

We at Bex Kitchen adhere to the sentiments that it’s earth day every day and that we should all strive to protect our natural resources. Meaning we do our part in all ways to live simply and greenly. Our efforts include using locally sourced foods, choosing foods that are in season, and utilizing sustainable practices in the kitchen and in our catering services. These efforts include using recyclable or sustainable products in our catering products such as utensils made from corn and sugar-based packaging along with cardboard or wooden food trays. These products are compostable and reduce landfill waste while being kinder to the planet. 

 Selecting local food foods whenever possible and eating in season means we are mindful of supporting local farms eliminating the need for our food to travel long distances which reduces carbon emissions. Eating in season also bolsters the local economy by providing jobs and helping keep resources within the community.  Besides local, we opt for sustainable sourcing of foods and utilize vegan recipes in many of our dishes. Our responsible food sourcing includes choosing menu items that are mindful of conservation efforts and align with keeping our food system viable.  These include eating less meat and more veggies and opting for dietary variety that supports biodiversity for our planet. We also subscribe to a simple and basic healthy lifestyle and you can see that in our food style and preparations. 

You can join in the movement this Earth Day by practicing some simple tips at home. Start by reducing plastic waste by using cloth bags, buying in bulk, and switching to glass or steel containers for storage. Opt for wooden toothbrushes when able and choose bars for soap and shampoo over bottles to help reduce plastic waste. Align with companies and products that support conservation and sustainability efforts. 

The biggest impact you can have at home is to reduce food waste. Food waste contributes to greenhouse gases which are harmful to the planet. Reinventing leftovers eliminates the need to discard food which is wasteful. Add leftover kinds of rice, meat, or veggies into a delicious omelet or stew and have a new meal. Toss your leftovers into a salad or a hearty casserole or on top of pizza and not waste a bit. Freeze portions to use at another time when in a pinch for time. When all else fails you can turn your leftovers into a quick soup with the addition of hot broth and fresh herbs. 

We hope we have inspired you to celebrate Earth Day every day in your home. Best wishes from your friends at Bex Kitchen. Reach more about our eco-conscious focus on our website

Published On: April 20, 2023//Categories: Bex Blog//Tags: , , , , , , , , , //