Connecting and Re-connecting

women and child bakingThe holidays can be a stressful time. 

Whether it’s a certain tension or “vibe” we feel out in the world, self-imposed, or both, we’ve come to accept that the holidays – with the mixed blessings of family, travel, expenses, etc – contain a certain amount of stress, but also, paradoxically, a pressure to be cheerful, jolly, and especially warm toward our fellow human. We at Bex don’t have all the answers, but we can share a few ideas for keeping the holidays low-stress, meaningful, and – perhaps most importantly – the way you want them to be. 


Gather and Be Present 

Every domicile tends to have a place where people instinctively gather; unsurprisingly, it is often the kitchen.  Some people like to be alone in the kitchen when they cook, and others are okay with onlookers, helpers, or question-askers. Both approaches are okay! 

One thing to try during the holidays, and in general, is being present. It’s harder than it sounds, as the pull of the past and future tend to occupy our mental space so much of the time, but gently forcing yourself to be fully present in the present can be a great way to leave the past behind and keep the future from robbing our precious present moments. 


This Too Shall Pass 

“It’s something I try to do,” Chef Becky says of being present, “and I’ve always been mindful of the way that catering and special events demonstrate impermanence: we plan, we prepare, we cook, we set up, we eat, we clean up, and then the moment becomes part of posterity. I’ve always thought of doing this kind of [catering/cafe/special events] work like the Buddhist mandalas or the way that nomadic peoples come to a place, exist, and leave without a trace. When you get into this mindset, you see things a little differently, simply by resisting theholiday meal temptation to go over and over the past or constantly plan/strategize for the future.” 


Eating Healthy at the Holidays 

Eating healthy during the holidays can be challenging, as travel disrupts people’s routines, and winter foods tend toward the temptation of fatty, sweet, and comforting. Chef Becky advises: “Keep things simple, like that old bumper sticker that says to live simply so that others may simply live. I will cook a whole chicken, make stock out of the carcass, or salmon, and save the fish skins for dogs I know. Rather than lots of individual meals, which can get pricey, you can get a few core ingredients and get lots of meals out of them. Everyone is trying to beat the ongoing inflation we’re experiencing.” 

Whatever your holiday is and wherever it takes you, we at Bex wish you the best! May your holidays be safe, healthy, and genuine. Stay grounded and leave the meal prep and cooking to us! 

Published On: December 14, 2023//Categories: Bex Blog//Tags: , , , , , , , //