About Maxine

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So far Maxine has created 168 blog entries.

Café Culture

The cafe is an important part of not only American but world culture.  Smaller in scale than a restaurant but larger than a hot dog stand, the cafe provides an [...]

2023-08-10T12:57:07-04:00August 10, 2023|Bex Blog|

Boba Fête

Words that have symbols always flummox people.  Take the humble and important apostrophe, for example: required when showing possession or a missing letter, but people manage to mangle it in [...]

2023-08-18T08:11:46-04:00August 10, 2023|Bex Blog|

Chocolate Shine

Brownies.  The word alone brings smiles to people’s faces, evoking gooey blasts of chocolate goodness. Relatively simple to make, a great base for experimentation, and a perennial comfort food, brownies [...]

2023-08-03T11:50:16-04:00August 3, 2023|Bex Blog|

Block Rockin’ Beats

Summer is, for many in the northeast, synonymous with the block party. While the tradition has changed over the years, it’s rooted in proud Northeast culture. It celebrates community. It [...]

2023-07-27T15:16:34-04:00July 27, 2023|Bex Blog|

Birdsong in Califon

On Thursday, July 13th, 2023 – a hot, balmy, and calm evening in Califon, NJ – the new Bex Gallery had its inaugural artist reception. It was a large turnout, [...]

2023-07-20T12:23:45-04:00July 20, 2023|Bex Blog|
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